Sunday, March 14, 2010

Black and Chestnut Oak Root Systems

Jim, I understand that these two trees do not have a tap root system. To avoid damage to either, what is the minimum safe distance that I can build a home with a 2 foot sub-foundation? To avoid removing the Chestnut I am allowing a five foot clearance on three sides, the fourth side would be open. Would that be sufficient?

Thanks, Steve

It does not have a tap root and the roots spread about 1 1/2 time the distance of the branches. At maturity the branch spread is about 40 feet meaning 20 feet from the trunk. A 5 foot clearance on three sides is too close to build a structure. I would think you will cause the tree to dieback many of its limbs and foliage and may even kill the tree. IF the tree lives there is a good chance that the roots system will effect you foundation since it really has no way to grow except toward the structure. the root system is in the first 2 feet of soil and if you cut more then 25-30 percent of the root system you will greatly damage the tree, In this case you will have cut maybe 50-70 percent of the roots system. It will be better to remove the tree before you build rather than try and take it down dead later, OR change your building plans. Sorry.