Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Black mold on tree


This summer I noticed some white fuzzy things under the leaves on my young tree. I treated it with 'over the counter' treatments. About a month later most of the white bugs were gone but now there is a black mold (I guess mold, it wipes off when touched) on the tree.  There are still a couple white things on the tree. Most of the tree is now covered with black 'mold'. Is the tree treatable? Is it transferable to other trees and bushes?

These are an insect called aphids. They suck the plant juices from the tree and secrete a substance called honeydew which is high is sugar content and sticky. A fungus called sooty mold will grow on this honeydew. Control the aphids and the soot mold will go away. For trees that you can reach the foliage spray the foliage with an insecticide called Orthene--make sure you spray all the leaves on both sides. For larger trees use an insecticide called Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub Insect Control/ This is applied to the soil around the tree and the roots will carry it to the leaves and when the insect sucks the plant juices it it killed. This is good for season long control. You may want to consider it next spring if you do not use it now. It will take a couple of weeks to get into the tree system. Here is a web link to this product. Check with your local nursery for these products.