Wednesday, March 3, 2010

growth of 'healthy' plum tree

I bought two plum trees three years ago in early Spring and at the same time and same location (Memphis, TN).  Planted one in back yard and one in front. They both seem happy and healthy. The one in back gets about 1/3 less sun, plus, the dog pees on it all the time, but other conditions for both trees seem about the same. I planted them both the same day and both with a mixture of potting soil mixed into the same soil that came front the dug whole. The one in back is growing and growing.  The one in front yard is stunted in it's growth.  It is now about 1/4 size of the other.  They both bear lots of pink spring flowers and lots of fruit seeds. Please tell me what to do with the little one.

It sounds like the soil is lacking in urea and the dog is providing the tree in the back. Usually with most plants too much urea is bad for them but is sounds like in your case there maybe a deficiency in the soil or a Ph imbalance. Without actually taking a soil test you can try adding fertilizer to the tree to increase the growth, Check with your local nursery and buy a urea fertilizer and next spring add about 0.2 lbs per inch of trunk diameter around the tree and water in good. The nursery may have a fertilizer for fruit trees also that will increase the growth as well.