Sunday, March 14, 2010

italian cypress

Hello Jim

is it safe to put italian cypress on a very steep slope 12 feet of it at 45 degrees before leveling at top and bottom to form adjacent lots at different heights. There is sandstone below the surface. Will the tap root be able to penetrate sandstone that it runs into? Will a root system capable of supporting the tree at mature heights be able to establish itself?

I thank you in advance ..



It will depend on the depth of the soil over the sandstone. Cypress will have a fairly shallow root system and will be in the first 2-3 feet of soil (not a tap root). If the soil is thinner then the roots will not be able to support the tree as it gets larger and the wind will blow it over. It does not sound like there is enough soil on the slpoe to support trees I would use another ground cover. Sorry.