best time of year to limb in the northwest
Any time after the hardwoods have dropped their leaves until they bud out in the spring. This time of the year the sap is not flowing and you will not have a large amount of sap running down the tree. When you prune the limbs cut them back to the trunk to about 1/4 inch from the trunk. This leave the branch collar in tack. If a large limb is to be removed, its weight should first be reduced. This is done by making an undercut about 12 to 18 inches from the limbs point of attachment. Make a second cut from the top, directly above or a few inches farther out on the limb. Doing so removes the limb, leaving the 12- to 18-inch stub. Remove the stub by cutting back to the branch collar. This technique reduces the possibility of tearing the bark. Do not put any wound dressing on the cut this will slow the healing process.