I have a very large old spruce tree in my front yard. In the last few years I have noticed that two of the bottom branches are curving upward and growing what look like new spruce trees. On one of the branches there are more than one of these "trees". I had a local extension office employee look at it to get his advice on what to do. He had not seen anything like it before and couldn't help me. I am wondering if I should cut these two branches off. These branches are about four feet off the ground and are the lowest branches on the tree. If yes, when would be the best time to do it. I am afraid if I leave it as is this condition will lead to the total demise of the tree.
Sounds like the tree is sprouting suckers from the trunk. These can be pruned off. I would wait until the hardwood trees have dropped their leaves, the dormant season is best there will be less sap flow and insects will not be attracted to the wound. If you leave it the suckers will take away from the growth of the tree but should not kill the parent tree. I would prune them off this late Fall/Winter. When you cut them cut them to about 1/4 inch from the trunk this will heal faster than leaving a stub or cutting them flush with the trunk.
If a large limb is to be removed, its weight should first be reduced. This is done by making an undercut about 12 to 18 inches from the limb?s point of attachment. Make a second cut from the top, directly above or a few inches farther out on the limb. Doing so removes the limb, leaving the 12- to 18-inch stub. Remove the stub by cutting back to the branch collar. This technique reduces the possibility of tearing the bark.