The base of my oak tree has spread to the point where I can barely enter my driveway. Can I cut a portion of this spread away without damaging my tree?
Prune the lower limbs off so that none will be hitting the car when you drive into the driveway. Cut them back to about 1/4 inch from the trunk. This will leave what is called the branch collar and the wound will heal over. Do not leave a stub or just trim the branches.
For oak trees, the recommended pruning time is November through March. In the summer months, pruning oak trees can attract small beetles that spread oak wilt fungus disease. If you don't prune your oak trees between April and October, you can prevent your oaks from getting this disease.
Pruning large branches
To remove large branches, three or four cuts will be necessary to avoid tearing the bark. Make the first cut on the underside of the branch about 18 inches from the trunk. Undercut one-third to one-half way through the branch. Make the second cut an inch further out on the branch; cut until the branch breaks free.
Before making the final cut severing a branch from the main stem, identify the branch collar. The branch collar grows from the stem tissue around the base of the branch. Make pruning cuts so that only branch tissue (wood on the branch side of the collar) is removed. Be careful to prune just beyond the branch collar, but DON?T leave a stub. If the branch collar is left intact after pruning, the wound will seal more effectively and stem tissue probably will not decay.
The third cut may be made by cutting down through the branch, severing it. If, during removal, there is a possibility of tearing the bark on the branch underside, make an undercut first and then saw through the branch.
Research has shown wound dressing is not normally needed on pruning cuts. However, if wounds need to be covered to prevent insect transmission of certain diseases such as oak wilt, use latex rather than oil-based paint. For cut larger than 5-6 inches in diameter I would paint the wound with a wound dressing/paint. Check with your local nursery for these.