I have a fruited mulberry tree and when I do have to trim a large limb 1" or larger I always leave about 1 inch of the trimmed limb on the main limb. But when I do trim the cut area saps and drips to the ground or on my deck. Is there a way to stop the sapping and dripping?
Pruning of Mulberry trees should be done in the dormant months (after the leaves have dropped in the Fall or winter). When done during the growing season the sap is still flowing and will exude out the wound. Also do not leave the 1 inch stub--cut it back to about 1/4 inch of the trunk--not flush but as close as you can get it. This will allow the wound to heal over. The stub will slow the process down greatly. The dripping will stop on its own when the sap stops flowing this fall/ winter.