Sunday, March 14, 2010

using evergreen stump grinding material as mulch

I am having 5 evergreen stumps ground down. (1 White Pine, 4 Norway Spruce) I'm told there will be large piles of chips. Can I scatter the wood chips in my large beds of ivy to get rid of them? Also, growing in the beds of ivy are Hemlocks, Norway Spruces and Dawn Redwood trees. Otherwise do I need to pay someone to haul them away?  The month is now mid September.

Thank you

Yes the chips can be use as mulch. They will work fine.  Some folks say the fresh chips may reduce some of the nitrogan from the soil but if this happens it is short lived and will not effect the plants growing there. I would use it as you would any other mulch not more than 3inches deep and not piled up on the tree trunks. By all mean I would use the chips.