I planted a weeping willow 4 days ago and i have watered it like i was told to and some of the leaves are dying and curling up in the sun and getting crunchy. what did i or am i doing wrong. I live in zone 3 and got the tree from a great nursery
This is not unusual for newly planted trees. They can go through a shock from the planting and lose some of their foliage. If you have not done so mulch around the tree with not more than 3 inches deep of organic mulch (pine straw is good) not piled up on the trunk. The top of the rootball of the tree should be level with the ground surface if planted correctly. I would water every other day with 1 inch of water--place a pan under the tree and turn the sprinkler on and when the pan has 1 inch of water in it stop. Do this for the first month then every third day until the weather cools off. Then I would water once a week if it does not rain.